Института внутренних Аудиторов

15th annual Global Information Security Survey, E&Y опубликовал результаты исследования
E&Y опубликовал результаты 15-го ежегодного исследования по информационной безопасности

Effective information security transformation does not require complex technology solutions. It requires leadership and the commitment, capacity and willingness to act.


4 шага

1. Link the information security strategy to the business strategy, and the overall desired results for the business.

2.Start with a blank sheet when considering new technologies and redesigning the architecture, to better define what needs to be done. This presents an opportunity to break down barriers and remove existing biases that may hamper fundamental change.

3.Execute the transformation by creating an environment that enables the organization to successfully and sustainably change the way information security is delivered.

4.When considering new technologies, conduct a deep dive into the opportunities and the risks they present.


Тимур, спасибо!
еще интересная публикация, посвященная рисками ИТ

Joint Roundtable Discusses IT Risks and Emerging Technologies
In partnership with ISACA, the Audit Executive Center held a roundtable on Sept. 19, to discuss emerging IT trends, risks, and other technology topics of importance. The Flash Alert summarizes the event’s highlights


из новостей http://www.theiia.org/cae/news-releases/
7 Risk Management Priorities For 2013
CISOs seek more discipline in measuring and mitigating risk in the coming year
According to risk management experts, consultants, and practitioners, enterprises are likely to turn to the following risk management priorities in 2013 to achieve their security objectives.

1. Getting Quantitative
2. Using GRC To Improve Business And IT Processes
3. Supply Chain Risk Management.4. Human Risks
5. Continuous Monitoring
6. Speaking The Language
7. Incident Preparedness

Protiviti’s 2013 IT Priorities Survey
